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Monday, August 30, 2010



For me it's the cruelest month.

It means a peak in the Anti-Leo jibes.
They get to be a dime a dozen.

The schizoids and the watery types,
The plain old bores, I can not bear them.
Their thousands of worn-out sarcasms
Drive me to exhaustion.

Must I endure the endless generalities?

The taunts, oh how Leos, that they are know-it-alls,
That their personalities possess uncommon pomposity,
That their big-mouths rule them, and
Bossiness and dogmatism underlie their every move.
And all the rest of the quick, cheap shots,
The common aspersions,
With which those born under weaker signs seem to indulge!

See, I mean it … Let me make it clear!
A Lion‘s no teddy bear, No!
Lawdy! No! A Lion is king of the pussy,
And out on the vast African plain he runs free.

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