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Friday, May 6, 2011


As of this date my YOUTUBE Channel has received 136,000 + Single Page Uploads, Visits!


Oh love, oh love, oh foolish love,
You make me feel as though
I had drunk a gallon of Jack Daniels --
That I am powerless and my life unmanageable.

Oh love, oh love, oh foolish love,
I fear no Grace might restore my sanity.
I stay up nights and pine away;
Allow my will to run to self riot.

Oh love, oh love, oh foolish love,
Where did I go wrong?
How was I not able to see that your allure,
Your devilish witchery, would lead to ruin,
Further corrupt my moral character?

Oh love, oh love, oh foolish love,
My age, my length of years,
Had it diminished my rational capacity?
Or have you simply broken my heart,
And impaired my physical well being?

The pain you cause, it dooms this life of mine.

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